Worthingtons Solicitors

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is a brain injury that affects approximately 1 in 400 children.  It affects movement and muscle control.  It can take various different forms depending on what part of the brain has been damaged and can range from a very mild form to the most severe where a child’s ability to mobilise, communicate, interact and function day to day is impacted.  A child with cerebral palsy can also have other conditions associated with or related to the injury including epilepsy, learning difficulties and behavioural issues.

There are many possible causes for cerebral palsy but one possible cause is as a result of medical negligence prior to or during birth.  Cerebral palsy which is acquired following birth, in the first 28 days of life, is also possible but less common.

The main causes of cerebral palsy are as follows…

  • An infection caught by the mother during pregnancy.
  • A difficult or premature birth resulting in medical difficulties such as a lack of oxygen.
  • Bleeding in the baby’s brain.
  • Changes in the genes that affect the brains development when the baby is in utero

A diagnosis of cerebral palsy can be devastating for a family such are the complexities and uncertainties the surround it.  A child with cerebral palsy will face daily challenges and will require additional help and support throughout both childhood and their adult life and we at Worthingtons can assist in not only seeking compensation for the catastrophic injury that has been caused but also in ensuring that the most appropriate care package is put together to cater for their future care needs.   

We have over 20 years of experience in dealing with cerebral palsy cases and have built up a database of reputable exert witnesses to assist us in these cases.  These experts include medical professionals who will examine the notes and records and investigate whether the care afforded to both mother and baby before and during delivery was appropriate as well as architects, nursing care experts, physiotherapists and occupational therapists, all of whom assist in preparing reports setting out the extent of a child’s needs.  Whilst no amount of money can make up for an injury caused to a child, we promise to endeavor to achieve the highest settlement possible.

Contact Us if you think you have been a victim of Medical Negligence.

Call 02890434015 or Contact us