Worthingtons Solicitors

Terms & Conditions

Most commercial relationships are defined and regulated by Terms & Conditions and it is important that Terms are read and understood prior to the formation of any contract. That said, how many of us have clicked “I Agree” without considering the entirety of the lengthy Terms presented by the likes of Amazon and other Tech giants? The answer is likely to be very few indeed, which is perhaps why Amazon included a zombie apocalypse clause in one of their web based products. While clearly tongue in cheek, it is nevertheless a reminder that you should take time to review and if possible negotiate more favourable Terms & Conditions before you enter into any contract.

It is equally important that you have Terms and Conditions which are relevant to your business and which provide protection in the event of a dispute. For instance, in the event of a dispute, have you stipulated that the dispute should be dealt with by the Courts in Northern Ireland? Have you specified an interest rate in the event of late payment? We can assist you in drafting or reviewing your terms and conditions to maximise protection for your business.

Moreover, business Terms and Conditions should be reviewed regularly to ensure these continue to meet your business needs and which take account of any changes in the law. We doubt that we will be advising that a zombie apocalypse clause is strictly necessary however.

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